Jiwan Shakti and friends record under the name mantramatic, because when you tune in, the mantras are automatically transmitted from the infinite. He has been a kundalini yogi since 1990, and a musician since the 1970s. Jiwan Shakti writes and arranges the music, sings, and plays electrified acoustic guitar.
Available to play live mantras, new age fests, yoga workshops and events, etc. Please contact at:
Yogi Bhajan gave me the name Jiwan Shakti. This was another beginning, of a new identity that almost 30 years later, I am still figuring out.
I could say another thread of beginning-ness was when I picked up that orange guitar when I was about 16 and never really looked back. These various threads, woven together over so many years. Getting a call from an old friend to join a jam session, the cat who knew recording and music inside and out, the notion that someone who knew something thought this was worth recording . . . the mantras starting to download, to form and arrange themselves in my brain (mantra + automatic download from the infinite = mantramatic), figuring out how to make those sounds on my guitar. Friends harmonizing with the infinite.
The mantras are about connecting. With your inner highest consciousness, with the cosmic, the universal consciousness, with cosmic love.
mantramatic exists on Earth to transmit mantras from the infinite to heal ourselves and the planet, an offering of pure cosmic love.
We chant mantras in very non-traditional ways from many traditions. Many of them come from the tantric, yogic, and buddhist traditions.
Mantras can heal, uplift consciousness, and increase awareness. They can be any sound.

Nature sounds can be mantras too;
bird songs
wolf howls
wind and water sounds
We love the natural world and on future albums will be integrating the sounds of the human voice with the sounds of nature, the sounds of vibrating strings and drum heads.
We are mantramatic because the mantras are automatically transmitted to us from the other world that is right next to us, that is within us, if we just take the time to hear and to see.